Monday, March 1, 2010

The Weather: March 1, 2010, Zip Code 20005

The weather today is not nearly as cold as it has been. It is not immediately uncomfortable to go outside, and I was able to walk for several minutes with my coat open, though I did require a hat and a sweater. The days seem to be getting warmer, but there is still a chill in the air which subtly implies that things might get worse before they get better. The day is clear and bright, both traits which impart a sense of optimism.

The weather is a bit of a tease today: nice enough in the sunlight, but uncomfortably cold in shadow. It is also teetering between being comfortable enough to sit outside and cold enough to require shelter. I ate lunch outside, but my hot soup could not fend off the chill.

I would like it to be warmer, but the temperature seems appropriate for the beginning of March. I'll consider it quite rude, however, if things don't get more pleasant by the end of the month. Still, by comparison to most of the last few weeks, today feels downright lovely.

Statement of bias: I tend to like things a little colder than average. My favorite season is the Fall, though I am quite partial to hot days which include loud, chaotic thunderstorms and heavy rain.

Final Verdict: 6 out of 10 Rays of Sunshine

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