Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Paper Clip

I know Daniel has already reviewed it, but I feel the need to reveal my own feelings about the paperclip—feelings of profound love and everlasting devotion. I feel certain that whenever in my life I have seen on the floor its quick silver glint, I have bowed to pick it up. I love its refined coil shape; the way it gently hugs of a stack of paper; its willingness to be plied and contorted while it rides in my pocket; the cheerful clicking laughter of its delicate voice as it bounces on my desk. I consider the paperclip the meekest of all office supplies—the meekest, thus the noblest, for who but the quiet giving are the masters among us and the true keepers of order? None, I say.

So hail to you, most august paper clip: at my desk you are the most virtuous.

Two New Favrorite Movies: Tornado and Alien vs. Predator

My new favorite movie is TORNADO. It’s German, it’s three hours long (averaging one tornado per hour), it ends with a great slow-mo father-son goodbye scene, and there’s a moral to the story: nothing brings people together like tornadoes. The entire movie was in German with no subtitles; I don’t know German, but the story was so well told that it didn’t matter.

My second new favorite movie is Alien vs. Predator. The moral? Nothing brings humans and murderous aliens together like a common acid-blooded alien enemy (with a tiny head that shoots out of a giant head). And the best part is you don’t have to know what they’re saying to get the message: I watched it in German with Japanese subtitles. 

The moral of this review is if you are truly lonely, all movies are great